About Emyooga

The Presidential Initiative on Wealth and Job creation (Emyooga) was launched in August 2019 as part of the broad government strategy targeting to transform 68% of homesteads from subsistence to market-oriented production with the overall objective of promoting job creation and improving household incomes. The initiative is centered on various 18 categories/enterprises/Emyooga covering majority of the hitherto, financially excluded Ugandans engaged in similar specialized enterprise categories.

These are facilitated with both technical and financial support to enhance the performance of their projects, and ultimately their incomes.

Minister of Microfinance teaching people about Emyooga
Minister of Microfinance teaching people about Emyooga
The Presidential Initiative on Wealth and Job Creation has two major components, namely:
  1.    Establishment of zonal artisan/Jua Kali parks – implemented by Office of the President
  2.   Setting up specialized funds (Emyooga) – implemented by Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (Microfinance Support Centre Ltd)
The Microfinance Support Centre Ltd (MSC) was designated as the lead implementing Agency for component two, the Emyooga Programme. MSC is working collaboratively with the District Emyooga Taskforces that were set up in each district and chaired by the Resident District Commissioners (RDCs/RCCs), District Local Government (DCOs, DCDOs, CAOs, CDOs, etc.), MTIC among others. The initiative was designed to step up direct support to communities through establishment of specialized funds/Emyooga-specific Apex SACCOs at Constituency level covering 149 districts country-wide, but with operations at Parish level.
Emyooga Launch in Karamoja Region
Emyooga Launch in Karamoja Region